From Liberalism to Statism, Two Confused Concepts in Public Administration И Greece

public administration liberalism to statism reforms Greece


In this text, we will present the situation that prevailed in Greece and the management that existed in matters of public administration, oriented to its liberal side and the relationship with statism that was a brake on the adaptation of the administration. «The centralized system of power, promoted mostly in governments centered around the figure of the prime minister, limits the role of external actors in policy-making. It is a process based on the "leadership" of ministers, with the support of their close advisers" (Maistros, 2009). The dependence of the administration on the parties is high. As Featherstone (2009) says, «the political system is administratively unified and highly centralized. The government in Athens allocates the resources, defines the rules and decides the projects, and the regional authorities are almost completely dependent on the prospects of the outcome of the next parliamentary elections».