Strategic Management of Higher Education at the End of the Programming Period and in the Context of the Crisis “covid-19”

higher education strategy strategic management higher education development strategy interactions networks strategies stakeholder networks


This publication aims to highlight some trends and conclusions related to the problems of strategic management of higher education in Bulgaria, given two lines of reasoning - at the end of the programming period and in the crisis "Covid-19". The article recommends a cross-sectoral network model of strategic management of higher education. A model based on the interaction between networks of stakeholders for building networking strategies. In this context, the Strategy for Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2014-2020 and the draft Strategy for Development of Higher Education in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2021-2030 are considered. The capacity for the strategic management of higher education in Bulgaria in view of the above considerations should be explicitly stated in the Strategy 2021-2030. It is worrying that the new realities are not taken into account, the need for the development of interactions, for the development of stakeholder networks and network strategies, systematically at all levels, is not really realized. A desire to develop the interactions is declared, but there is a danger, as in the previous practice, that the requests will remain good wishes.