
Ilias Konstantinidis

The Impact of Organizational Learning and Procedures on Citizens' Satisfaction in Greek Public Administration

public strategic management organizational learning core procedures citizens services oriented citizens satisfaction efficiency effectiveness


The quality, the effectiveness and the efficiency of the administrative action is crucial to the modern economic, social and administrative environment. Thus, they are the content of the Public Administration Reforms, according to the international trends on Public Management during the last two decades. Within this wider framework, Greece is expected to face the issue of reorganization of the administrative structures as soon as possible. The intent of the present research is to investigate the relationship between the basic organizational procedures based on strategy and their efficiency and effectiveness in citizen/customer services provided. We rely on primary data drawn by nursing staff's and the patients’ perceptions of a Greek public Hospital. A printed questionnaire was distributed to the workforce of the nursing service and the patients of Serres Public Hospital. The public organization, in its effort for efficiency and effectiveness, identifies the basic procedures it performs to deliver its services (enablers) and impacts (results), taking into account organizations' mission and strategy. An effective and efficient organisation identifies its core processes, which it performs in order to deliver its services (outputs) and impact (outcomes), considering the expectations of the citizens/customers and other stakeholders, in line with its mission and strategy.